7 Reasons to enjoy your current business stage

Regardless of where you’re at, there’s a reason to celebrate. But unfortunately, many owners focus on getting from here to there, forgetting to enjoy what’s right in front of them. The truth is that small business has limitations, and that’s OK!

Why data is overwhelming businesses

Data-driven information is the new currency. We can objectively measure just about everything. The problem isn’t that we don’t have access to data; the challenge is turning that data into valuable info that tells the story of your business.

How to make the most of start-up equity

Congratulations! You’ve secured capital for your business baby. You’ve been dreaming of this day – perhaps for years – and finally, you’re making your dreams a reality. The trick now is to make the most of your start-up equity.

Time management or Time Allocation?

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” — Carl Sandburg.
Are you in charge of time, or does time rule you?

Five reasons you need a business diagnostic.

Do you wear a Fitbit or smartwatch to track your health and fitness? How often do you check the stats to see how you’re progressing? In the same way we use metrics to monitor our health, we need to do regular health checks on our businesses.

Finding True North

I’ve heard it a lot lately; people talking about finding their ‘true north’. From declarations of love to discovering purpose, finding true north speaks to our deep desire for a fixed point, an anchor, a fundamental truth that gives life meaning. So, what’s your true north? True north is a fixed point on Earth, the […]